Street Team Registration Form

Street Team Registration Form


Do you like to read books before they're released? Consider joining my Street Team. Street Team members receive a free Advance Reader Copy before books are available for purchase and help build buzz for the book by posting to social media and sharing it with their friends.

Street TEAM
I hope that you review after you've read the ARC, but I make no expectation of your review and seek honest reviews only;
You promise to NOT SHARE OR POST your ARC copy anywhere; and
If you ever decide you don't want to be on my ARC or Street Team, please let me know so that the spot can be passed to someone else.

About you...

All information in this section is required. 


Please provide links to your profiles as indicated. It is not necessary to have an answer for every single one, however, skipping too many items in this section will result in your registration being declined. 

Social Media

Please provide links to your profiles as indicated. It is absolutely not necessary to have an answer for every single one, however, skipping too many items in this section will result in your registration being declined. 

I affirm that...